Monday 31 October 2016

Student-Created WODB

Once your students have done a number of Which One Doesn't Belong, they should be able to create their own. I described what I do with my calculus classes here, but thought I should take the time to outline my creating process.

Thanks to Chris Hunter, both when I am vetting or creating a WODB, I use a table like this where there are 4 criteria/characteristics labelled along the top.

I consider it a strong WODB if 3 of the items share a characteristic that is not present in the 4th. For example:

The criteria used for Shape 5 could be:

I find that working through one like this with students is a really important step for them to understand that "It's the only one that's pink" is not the depth that we are looking for (unless you are looking at colours!).

I also strongly encourage you to do some Incomplete Sets before your students create their own. Here is an example:

I love that there are many different options for the missing number here. And students (may) quickly see how helpful the table is to ensure a strong WODB.

What have I missed? Let me know in the comments!

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