Tuesday 21 January 2014

Sunshine Blog Awards

For those of you who don't know David Petro, he is an amazing guy.  I have had known him for many years - I believe we met while serving on the board of directors of the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education.  He impressed me there and continues to do so with his weekly posts that keep Ontario math educators (and many outside our province) up-to-date with great math resources from the web.  He is one of those people that is creative and works hard and shares.  A great combination. I was shocked when he nominated me for a sunshine blog award - I mean, I don't blog that often and don't feel like I have contributed much...  However, I don't want to think that I am not honoured by the nomination so I will not ignore it, but I'm also not going to follow the rules.  David did a great job of pointing out that this is a pyramid scheme here so I will just answer his questions and maybe give some random facts about me.

From David...  My questions for my nominees :

1. How long have you been on Twitter?  June 24, 2012 was my first tweet.  I'm sure that I was lurking for a while before. I just learned that you can type something like from:MaryBourassa since:2012-01-01 until:2012-07-31 to search for tweets between a set of dates. Thanks, David.  I would not have known how to do that otherwise! I sent my first tweet to Dan Meyer - it was this link.  My second tweet was about desmos <3.

2. How many email addresses do you actively use? 3. One for school, one for personal use and one for "junk".

3. What's the name of the street you lived on when you were born? I have no idea.

4. Coke or Pepsi? Neither. I drink water. I live on the edge a little and sometimes have sparkling water. And the occasional venti-3-pump-extra-hot-no-whip-cinnamon-dolce-latte from Sbux.

5. When did you first get an email address? 1993? Maybe even before that. On Freenet. That was a long time ago.

6. First concert you went to? David Bowie? Again, that was a long time ago. 

7. Mac or PC? PC. I have an iPad, but I did not drink the Apple KoolAid.

8. Favourite Olympic Sport? I love equestrian events (I used to ride, before I got a mortgage). I also like watching alpine events (skiing) and curling (I am Canadian!).

9. Favourite Online News Portal? Who has time to read the news? I use Flipboard when I'm bored : )

10. Name of a teacher who inspired you? Madame Dezainde, back in Montreal where I grew up. Even though she made me cry.

11. Favourite Holiday Movie? Hmmm. I don't think it's actually a holiday movie but it always plays around Christmas so I'm going to go with Sound of Music. It's fun to watch with the kids.

There are a bunch of random facts about me contained in those answers. I'll give you one more: I don't really like to write about myself!

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